Get to know Quebec City, QC, Canada

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Industrial yard spaces in Quebec City, Quebec

Quebec City is the capital city of the Province of Quebec and is the seventh-largest metropolitan area in Canada. The major industry in the city is the manufacturing of pulp and paper, metal/wood items, chemicals, electronics, and electrical equipment [1].

Zoning By-law:

According to the zoning bylaw of the city [2], there are five industrial classes permitted in the city:

  1. I1 The high-tech industry ;

  2. I2 cottage industry ;

  3. I3 general industry ;

  4. I4 reclamation and recovery industry ;

  5. I5 extractive industry.

Industrial Classes:

Following is the intent of the industrial classes:

Class I1

In particular, it includes high-tech industrial establishments that engage in manufacturing, services, research, and development in the areas of information technology, communications, and geomatics.

Class I2

It includes artists' workshops and artisanal industrial establishments that sell their goods as an auxiliary service.

Class I3

Construction sites and manufacturing establishments are included in this category. Furthermore, this group also includes establishments primarily engaged in recycling and salvaging with a floor area of up to 2,000 square meters.

Class I4

This class consists of industrial establishments that salvage, collect and sort materials for wholesale or recycling.

Class I5

Natural-substance extraction establishments are included in this class.

Location of Industrial zones

Most of the industrial lands are located between Highway 138 and A440 starting from the intersection of Highway A540 and Highway 138 and A440. The industrial area is expanded to the area of Saint Sauvier. Industrial areas are also located on both sides of Highway 358.

Industrial yard development standards for industrial use classes.

The detailed information on the yard development guidelines can be obtained from the City council office. Following are some general requirements:

  • In Class I2, the maximum area of the establishment is 200 square meters;

  • Lots with no main building are allowed to have outdoor storage only if they are located in I3, i4, and I5.

Location of Industrial yards

Following are the locations of a few industrial yards located in the city:

Constriction yards: They can be located on 955 Av. Galilée, 1095 Rue Valet, 400 Desrochers St, and 5353 Pierre-Bertrand Blvd.

Salvage Yards: They can be located on 300 Av. Galilée, 1925 Rue Léon-Harmel, and 975 Place Dufour.

Automobile industry: They can be located on 305 Av. Galilée, 6375 Bd Wilfrid-Hamel, 2960 Watt Parc Colbert, and 872 Rue Paradis.

Manufacturing yards: Manufacturing yards are located in great numbers on Bd du Versant N, Watt Avener, Rue Rideau, St. jean Baptise Avenue, Rue des Canetons, Rue Valet, and Dalton Avenue. Huge manufacturing yards are located on Newton Avenue, Rue Fortin, and Galilee Avenue.


