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Moose Jaw being the fourth largest city in Saskatchewan province of Canada with most of the industrial production focused on potash, urea fertilizer, anhydrous ammonia, and ethanol products [1]. Most of the industrial lands are located near High Street W and Manitoba Street SE near the old Moose Jaw Railway station.
The Municipal city government of Moose Jaw regulates the development of industrial yards using bylaw No 5346 (2009) [2] within its Municipal limits. The by-law guides on yard site dimensioning, its height, permitted uses, discretionary uses, and landscaping requirements in various land use designated districts.
According to the bylaw, there are six industrial districts within the industrial zone:
M1 Light Industrial District
M2 Heavy Industrial District
M3 Mixed Use Business Park Industrial District
M4 Environmental Low Service Industrial District
RR Railroad District
District M1 is reserved for light industrial activities, which include development used for small to medium-sized industries having on-site production, repairing, testing, processing, manufacturing, or assembly. The industries are not permitted to create a nuisance for neighboring uses.
District M2 is reserved for heavy industry uses like fabrication and Welding Shops, factories produce greenhouse gas emissions, Outdoor storages, heavy manufacturing, construction, recycling plant, etc. Other industrial development is also categorized as heavy industrial if it may create a nuisance for neighboring uses or City services, or may be dangerous or offensive to neighbors.
District M3 is not intended for development of industrial yards, instead it is designated for business and research activities associated with industries.
District M4 is designated for the industrial activities that do not require full city services, or they handle environmentally sensitive or dangerous goods.
District RR is designated for operation of a railway, railway yards and rail passenger and freight terminals. The bylaw of city does not regulate the developments in this district.
Most yard spaces belonging to District M2 are located along 9 Avenue East and Caribou Street West. There are numerous M1, M2 and M4 properties in the east part of city along Manitoba highway. The biggest chunk of industrial zone land is designated as M2 district while the least is M1 District. This clearly show the potential for development of heavy industries in the Moose Jaw.
Minimum site area should be 450 sq. m.
Minimum front yard has no limit.
Minimum side yard should be 1.2 m.
Minimum rear yard should be 7.5 m.
Maximum building height should be 11 m.
Maximum site coverage should be 50%.
Minimum site area should be 930 sq. m.
Minimum front yard should be 9 m.
Minimum side yard should be 1.5 m.
Minimum rear yard should be 7.5 m.
Maximum building height should be 45 m.
Maximum site coverage should be 60% and 50% for District M2 and M4, respectively.
Following are few of the industrial yards located in the city:
Construction/Contractor yards: There are two construction yards located on River Street, W and one Manitoba Street W.
Salvage Yards: There are two located on 1051 and 1224 Ominica Street E.
Automobile industry: These yards are in good number on Stadacoan street SE and Athabasca streel SE.
Manufacturing yards: There are located on 1109 to 1221 Ominica Street W, 1410 Athabasca Street, 1010 High Street W. There three empty lots next to 1010 High Street W.